Canada you are to pay $30 Trillion for your participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.
Fake Jews and Israeli Government
To the Fake Jews and their false Israeli Government you are ordered to pay the following restitution or face certain annihilation as a people.
For your part in the crime of and conspiracy to commit the crime of Kidnapping of exiled Hebrew Israelites from the Continental land of Africa you are hereby ordered to pay $1 Trillion dollars in restitution.
For the illegal Transportation of kidnapped exiled Hebrew Israelites you are ordered to pay the sum total of $1 Trillion dollars in restitution.
For the illegal Sale of kidnapped exiled Hebrew Israelites you are ordered to pay the sum total of $1 Trillion dollars in restitution.
For the mass murder of kidnapped exiled Hebrew Israelites you are ordered to pay the sum total of $2 Trillion dollars in restitution.
For the enslavement of kidnapped exiled Hebrew Israelites you are ordered to pay the sum total of $5 Trillion dollars in restitution.
For the deliberate forcible rape and sexual exploitation of our men, women and children on countless occasions you are hereby charged and found guilty therefore you are ordered to pay $10 Trillion dollars in restitution.
For the willful exploitation of Hebrew Israelites and the cause of pain and suffering for 475 years you are ordered to pay $10 Trillion Dollars.
You are hereby ordered to pay $100 Billion Dollars in restitution for every year that you have squatted upon the Land of Israel in illegal land use to the tune of a sum total of $6800 Billion.
You who call yourselves Jews and the Israeli People are hereby charged with the deliberate attack upon the Hebrew Israelite Nation to indoctrinate, corrupt, ensnare, and entrapment for the promotion of evil among our people by means of TV, Radio, Music, Entertainment and False News, in order to separate us from our Elohim that we may remain in a subservient position among men.
For the crime of Identity Theft, Defamation of Character and Willful act to defraud the Hebrew Israelite Nation you are hereby ordered to pay sum total of $10 Billion.
The Grand Total amount due in Judgment is $30 Trillion, 75 Billion Dollars due immediately in restitution.
Besides the above written damages you who are calling yourselves "Jews" and are acknowledged as the "Elite," you are to forfeit all holding of tangible wealth in the form of Silver, Gold, Platinum and all precious metals and minerals acquired and stored. You are further ordered to release and surrender all assets of Precious Stones such as Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies, etc, to be turned over to the Hebrew Israelite Nation's treasury.
United States of America
United States of America, because you as a British Colony act in great cruelty against The Hebrew Israelite Nation you will cease to exist as a Nation. No longer will song and dance be heard in your mist and on your streets. You shall become a habitation of jackals and a refuge for birds and wild beast. In one day will you be destroyed. You who were once so proud and arrogant who boast of your strength and greatness, in one hour you will be brought to nothing and be no more.
Arab Nations
To the Arab Nations: For your willful act of illegal enslavement of exiled Hebrew Israelites you are hereby charged and ordered this day to pay the following restitution or face certain annihilation as a people.
You are ordered to pay $200 Trillion in restitution for the willful act of illegal enslavement of Hebrew Israelite.
You are charged with the deliberate forcible rape and sexual exploitation of our men, women and children on countless occasions, you are hereby charged and found guilty therefore you are ordered to pay $200 Trillion dollars in restitution.
You are charged with the deliberate act of forcibly causing Hebrew Israelites to submit to and accept the False Religion of Islam at the threat of death therefore you are ordered to pay $100 Trillion dollars in restitution.
You are charged with the criminal act of false imprisonment, human trafficking, and mass murder of 100,000,000 Hebrew Israelites you are ordered to pay $100 Trillion dollars in restitution.
You are ordered to release all Hebrew Israelite from Enslavement and turn them over to the Hebrew Israelite Nation in Israel once Hebrew Israelites call for the acceptance of these freed Hebrew Israelites in Israel.
There will be no act of retaliation or aggression against these freed Hebrew Israelites from their illegal captors or of the Governments imprisoning Hebrew Israelites.
Any Nation engaging in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites are from this day forward considered enemies of The Hebrew Israelite Nation. Such hideous and cruel act of the enslavement of any member of the Hebrew Israelites Nation from this day forward are and will be considered an Act of War and Aggression on and against the Hebrew Israelite Nation.
Let it be clearly understood that any Arab Nation not adhering to the original verdict to make compliances to and of this original Judgment will be subject to seven times the original edict. Is it left to the following Arab Nations to unite in order to comply to the Judgment that is written in this edict.
The Grand Total amount due in Judgment is $600 Trillion, Dollars due immediately in restitution.
What Is The Purpose Of The United Nations?
My Great Grandfather HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I, stood before the UN assembly decades ago to remind the governing bodies of grievances of the atrocities that was being committed against the Nation of Ethiopia by Mussolini and his brutal Italian forces and were not satisfied. I address you today and say, What is the purpose of the United Nations? Is it a place to laugh at the weak? Is it a place to pretend to help weaker Nations when in fact it is a organization committed to the strengthening of more powerful Nations?
What is the purpose of the United Nations?
Is it to unite in resolution to turn a blind eye to the atrocities of what is real in order to shape a World to the likes of the powerful
What is the purpose of the United Nations?
Is it a place for the Nations of the World to come and receive justice when no justice is available from a bankrupt host of people representing Nations? Or, is it a place for the cowards to come hide and shrink as the powerful dictate their wishes on a people who are helpless to defend themselves?
What is the purpose of The United Nations?
Has any Leader of weaker Nations walked away from this audience with satisfaction? Will any leader of weaker Nation walk away from the United Nations assembly feeling satisfied? I seriously doubt it.
Will I walk away disappointed as my great Grandfather HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I, did while shouts of acknowledgments are made but no resolution of grievance granted? Or, will someone with some backbone stand up and say, "Enough is Enough." Be Granted that which is rightfully yours?
In this we serve notice to the members of the false illegitimate Israeli Government and to the seated representatives of all "legitimate," Governments. We the Hebrew Israelite Nation will return to our own land of Israel. Our own legitimate leaders will once again sit in the seat of Governmental power and authority in our own land. Not under the duress of the dictatorship of a false lesser government made up of fake "Jew" who are really Gentiles in disguise, those who are pretending to be Hebrews. But know this for sure, true Israel will be ruled by our legitimate I AM appointed King from the seed of our ancestor King David.
Know this, we are not returning to our land of Israel burdened under the curses of our forefathers who were shunned of I AM our God for continually walking in disobedience and were run out of Israel approximately 2000 years ago.
Be forewarned, that we will come and take our place and position in our own land of Israel, as the blessed descendants of ancient Israel, In the Power, Authority and Commission of the Great I AM because we have learned from our hardship and suffering, to walk before I AM our God in righteousness and in Holiness.
This we will do, whether it be through peaceful resolution or an Act of War and or by whatever means necessary.
Let those that are weak say, "I AM strong," Let those that are strong say, I AM weak! Because of what I AM our God has done, then let us Give Thanks!
As representative of the Supreme Kingdom of the Universe in which The Hebrew Israelite Nation represent the Kingdom branch of said Holy Kingdom on Earth I therefore Decree the following Judgments.
Relax Our People!
I AM, our great God got this! We are on our way and I AM is in control. Stay focused on I AM, He is about to turn our enemies world upside-down and empty their pocket of all stolen stored goods. All the hidden, stored treasures are about to be revealed to us and it’s all our, the Reparations they refused to acknowledge due us, but I AM is revealing knowledge to his chosen people that He has not forgotten Israel/Negroes.
We will be the head and they will be the tail. We are about to eat the good of the land because of all the wealth I AM allowed the wicked men of the world to stored up for His beloved Nation of Negroes the Israelites.
All Nations of the World are ordered to target the illegal government calling itself Israelis as one entity to destroy her evil system of government or face annihilation of their own sovereignty if the Israeli illegal Government and its illegal inhabitants refuse to vacate the Land of Israel.
All judgments are final, there is no appeal. All restitutions and reparation are to be paid in Gold, Silver, Platinum and or Precious Stones.
Sweden you are to pay $30 Trillion for your early participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.
We the Hebrew Israelite Nation scattered throughout the Nations of the World do this holy day of January 3, 2013 give notice and make reference to our plight. We acknowledge that for the last 2000 years we have been exiled from the land of our forefathers, the glorious land of Israel. We further acknowledge that we intend to return to that land which is our right under our Constitution called the Bible, an ancient document which bear witness to that fact and our history which also bear witness to the same.
We make acknowledgement of these facts unto you because you whom have established yourself as an entity arbitrating World Governmental affairs and grievances appears to have given creed or turn a blind eye to a certain warring faction of people calling themselves, "Jews," who are illegally occupying the land of our forefathers which was given to us and our ancestors by I AM the creator of Heaven and Earth over 4000 years ago which is still called today, the land of Israel. We deem the acknowledgement by the United Nations of this people whom are called, "Jews," that are illegally occupying our Holy Land of Israel to be cruel and destructive in this end.
We say this holy day that these actions are cruel and destructive because this determination has place nations of people on a collision course with our Sovereign Holy Nation because we intend to return to our Land of Promise, the Land of Israel as soon as feasibly possible.
We the Hebrew Israelite Nation whom are also known as Negroes have been in captivity for the last 2000 years suffering under the will and intent of host Nations trough permission of our God I AM. We deem that the season of our exile from our Promised Land of Israel and captivity throughout the World has now expired, therefore we render notice to the powers that be of our preparation and intent to return to our God given home land of Israel.
Much evidence to the fact and of our grievances against those illegal aliens who are in fact Gentiles that are calling themselves "Jews," who are illegally occupying our land has been gathered on websites, and is made known for the whole World to bear witness thereof.
We further charge and make claims that this same people calling themselves "Jews,"that are illegally occupying our land of Israel has added insult to injury by committing International identity thief through the claims that they are us, the Hebrew Israelite Nation. They claim the be the Children of our forefathers the Infamous, Children of Israel, also known as, the chosen people of I AM. In doing so this ill informed, deceived sect of nomads has and still is rendering great harm to our glorious reputation.
The Word of I AM said this about the Negro Nation of Israel
And the wealth of the sinner
Is stored up for The Righteous.
Proverbs 13:22
Jesus/Yeshayah spoke these very powerful words of revelation through the
Apostle John to the Negro/Israelite Nation.
"I know about your suffering and your poverty--
But You Are Rich!
Revelations 2:9a NLT
Negro You Are Rich!
We the awesome, glorious Negroes of the Nation of Israelites are living in the greatest time of the history of our race. It appears that we are on the brink of complete disaster and shipwrecked but that very flawed perception is very far from the truth. As sure as I AM our God lives we are very blessed beyond imagination.
I look around with my natural eye and I see a people torn apart, deserted, defeated, dejected, rejected, used and abused. I see a people laughed at, scorned, bewildered and taken advantage of by other races of people and nations. But, you know what? That is the way the God of the Negroes like and want it to be. I am want the world to think Israel is finished, dead in the water per se. That’s the time when our God step in to change a matter.
Appeal, petitions of redress has gone before the nations of the world for reparations due the Negro people of Israel with no regard given to the same. Our people feel lonely, left out and abandoned by all, no-one seem to care, no one pays attention. False prophets and teachers admired by many for their much empty words camouflaged as great wisdom but it is a farce, it is only man’s little, puny understanding and a dismal perception tainted with dread because they know nothing while thinking that they know everything.
Negroes, no matter how much we try to ignore the decrees of our God and the orations which has gone forth from His mouth His Word will not return back to Him without accomplishing its mission. If our God says others will misuse and abuse the Negro people of Israel it will happen and there it absolutely nothing on earth that will stop this process until it is completed.
I see our people struggle just to try to survive in the harsh environment in which we have been placed. Satan has stepped up his game even greater to oppress through the powers that be. Besides being pushed to sell drugs our great Negro young men of Israel are engaged in back yard fighting matches as a very dangerous means of earning a living. We work day and night just to make ends meet. We get up early, work all day only to go home to try to rest a little so that we can get up early the next morning and go back to work again. It is a very vicious cycle.
Our families have been torn apart by laws implemented to appear to strengthen the family but they are in reality design to rip our families apart. We Negroes are laughed at, scorned and ridiculed as a people. It appears to the world that we will never recover, we are fair game for exploitation they say.
But, we have a God who’s Word has gone forth predicting our disaster and failures, it has happened as He said it would, but, I want to share with you His Word that has also gone forth of our soon triumph over all our enemies and the na sayers.
Denmark you are to pay $500 Trillion for your participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites kidnapped from the continent of Africa or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.
Russia you are to pay $5 Trillion for your early participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.
Indictment And Judgment
Spain you are to pay $100 Trillion for your participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.
Let their own historical records reveal that they transported these free and peaceful exiled Hebrew Israelites to the Nations of the World under extreme hardship and duress as slaves.
Let their own records of writings and the documents of History show that these same Gentiles whom are still masquerading as Jews/Hebrews have now stolen our Identity and Land. To this we bring regress to show our suffrage at the plot of this people whom has forged positions of power and authority through deceit and deception. It is now obvious for all to see that this people has a history of barbarity and has perpetrated enormous acts of cruelty, upon another defenseless, helpless, and harmless Nation of people.
We ask, what is the purpose of the United Nations if it is not acknowledge right and wrongs of powerful Nations whom are taking advantage of defenseless weaker Nations? Have not our history been spread forth as a open book for all to see of the pitiful situation of Negroes around the World? The United Nations convene often with no mercy, as a people continue to be defrauded of their human rights by those with great voting powers in the United Nations.
As the fraudulent "Israeli" Armies batter the other illegal occupants of our land of Israel whom are called Palestinians, should it not be obvious that there will never be peace in the Holy Land of Israel as long as both of these squatters make claim to a land that belong to neither?
We say, history has revealed that dirty deals were made for our Promised Land of Israel resulting in the shedding of the blood of Americans, Germans, Englishmen and all others corroborating in this tyrannous masquerade. This blood will continue to spill because of this unholy agreement to divide our land. Until these pest are banished from our land there will never be peace, only bloodshed continuously.
Portugal you are to pay $100 Trillion for your participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.
All Other Nations
All other Countries engaged in the act of enslavement or enslavement of Hebrew Israelites shall pay a minimum of $500 Trillion dollars to the Hebrew Israelite Nation or face annihilation or enslavement.
It is a known fact that these same people who are fake in their claims has been exposed of their hippocratic action of lying and deceit continue to still masquerade as the physical Nation of Israel. In spite of the cover being removed to reveal their enormous fraud these same fake Jews/Gentiles relentlessly continue on their path to pretend to be a people that they are not weather for the $billions in financial benefits obtained from their various campaigns and schemes of fraud, the gain of the sympathy of the World to pity their fraudulent plight or to distract the World from the deplorable plight of the real Children of Israel. One can only choose and not miss the true intent being that all of the above is their motivation.
From historical time past and continuously we the true Children of Israel has suffered greatly with much harm from the actions of this people masquerading as "Jews" (Israelites.) It is a proven fact that this people has conspired to prosper financially from the dilemma of our people, the House of Israel. Please, let the historical records reveal that great harm has been rendered to us through the establishment of methodical systems used and institutions were established with intentional use of means to defraud us as a people by these shysters calling themselves "Jews."
Let their own historical records bear witness against them to show that they built and provided the slave ships which was used to transport our ancestors from Africa to the Americas, the Islands of the Seas and other locations throughout the World.
Let their own historical records implicate and bear witness of the same to convict them of the manufacturers and providers of the Alcoholic beverage called Rum that was used as trade for bargaining for the purchase of illegally kidnapped, enslaved capture of Hebrew Israelites from Arabs and native Africans.
Let their records show that the iron shackles which was used to bind our people to shave ships and to keep our people under duress were manufactures for their enterprise and financial benefits.
Let their records show that 70% of the same fake Jewish households owned kidnapped, stolen Hebrew Israelites which they made, deemed and force to be their slaves.
Let their own records reveal that these heartless people calling themselves "Jews," collaborated and conspired with the Arabs and Native Americans to track, hunt and steal peaceful, exiled Hebrew Israelites from the land of Israel as they sought refuge in S. Africa and in other Nations and other continents.
Brandenburg/Germany you are to pay $5 Trillion for your participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.
Great Britain
To the Government of Great Britain and its citizens you are ordered to pay the following restitutions or face certain annihilation as a people and or perpetual enslavement of your citizens.
Great Britain you are hereby Charged with Illegal use of the Land of Israel. For such illegal land use you shall pay $100 Trillion Dollars.
You are further charged with the illegal dividing of the same land of Israel which were not yours to divide, bargain for, with or give away. For such illegal transaction you shall pay $100 Trillion Dollars.
You are charged with the Mass Enslavement of Hebrew Israelites, therefore you are ordered to pay the sum total of $100 Trillion dollars in restitution.
You are further charged with The Mass Murder of Hebrew Israelites, you are ordered to pay the sum total of $200 Trillion dollars in restitution.
You are charged with Conspiracy to defraud Hebrew Israelites of basic Human rights, you are ordered to pay the sum total of $100 Trillion dollars in restitution.
You are charged with Failure to Cease acts of cruelty against Hebrew Israelites therefore you are ordered to pay the sum total of $200 Trillion Dollars in restitution.
You are charged with The Promotion of Cruelty against Hebrew Israelites. You are ordered to pay the sum total of $100 Trillion Dollars in restitution.
You are charged with the criminal act of false imprisonment, human trafficking of Hebrew Israelites you are ordered to pay $200 Trillion dollars in restitution.
You are further charged with The Promotion of the Exploitation and fraudulent acts against Hebrew Israelites by foreigners. You are ordered to pay the sum total of $100 Trillion Dollars in restitution.
You are further charged with The Establishment of Systems to promote and maintain cruelty of Hebrew Israelites for financial gain. You are ordered to pay the sum total of $100 Trillion Dollars in restitution.
Since The United States of America is a British Colony you are charged with the enslavement of and all crimes committed by the United States of America against the Hebrew Israelite Nation. You Great Britain are hereby ordered to pay $200 Trillion alone in restitution for the criminal acts of enslavement of a free people which was committed against the Hebrew Israelite Nation by the British Colony of the United States of America.
You are ordered to pay an additional $100 Trillion for free labor provided from the illegal and cruel treatment during the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites in England and other colonized Nations which are or were under British rule.
You are also ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $100 Trillion for the illegal land use and theft of natural resources in countries where Hebrew Israelites reside and were forced to serve British citizens.
Great Britain you are hereby ordered to pay, The Grand Total amount due in Judgment of $1 Zillion, $17 Trillion Dollars in restitution to the Hebrew Israelite Nation or face Annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts which were and are still being perpetrated against the peaceful Hebrew Israelite Nation.
The Grand Total amount due in Judgment against Great Britain, $1,017,110,000,000,000.00 due immediately in restitution.
Restitution of the aforementioned Judgments and Decrees in favor of and for the Hebrew Israelite Nation against the Nation of Great Britain is due immediately.
All judgments and Decrees in the above matter against Great Britain for and in favor of the Hebrew Israelite Nation are final and there exist no appeal.
Belgium you are to pay $50 Trillion for your participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites in the Congo or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.
France you are to pay $100 Trillion for your participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.
I am reminded of the Word of I AM that says:
A sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.
Proverbs 13:22b NIV
There is a very wicked people that has mined the treasures of the earth and has them stored, they think, for themselves. They are the so called Elite. Very wicked they are! They are under orders of I AM, the God of the Negroes to do his bidding but they know it not.
Brothers and sisters of the Negro Israelite race, All things work together for the good of those who love God. We love our God I AM! We exist for I AM! He has had these very evil people to store up all the world wealth for us. That is completely Awesome!
We work/slave thinking we are doing something because we are collecting a six figure paycheck each year. That does not even make it on the crumbs list of what has been stored for us and we are about to inherit it All.
We scrape and scratch, we hustle for the paper and think we are doing something because we are collecting a few $million each week or month. It's not even pennies in comparison to the Reparations we are about to receive. My rough guess is that there is about $800 trillion to a $Zillion dollars that is about to be paid to the Negro race in Reparations.
Dutch/The Netherlands
Holland you are to pay $100 Trillion for your participation in the enslavement of Hebrew Israelites or face annihilation and or enslavement of your citizens for all the above criminal acts.