​             Examine The Evidence!

Draw your conclusion based on evidence, not on what you think or what you may want to think. Do not come to a conclusion on what you believe or what you may want to believe alone. Preconceived notions has no place when evidence is presented except when the preconceived notion is in harmony with the evidence presented.

Wisdom says, "Follow the evidence!" Knowing and believing there is a Heaven and Hell can change your destiny. Many people want to go to Heaven but are not informed as to whether Heaven really exist. Most people do not want to go to Hell but they have no idea what Hell is really like and what it take to stay out of Hell. 

The evidence presented in this website will clearly show that Heaven and Hell truly exist. Not only will the evidence show that Heaven and Hell exist but evidence coupled with eyewitness testimony will show that the scriptures pertaining to Heaven and Hell aligns perfectly with what the eyewitnesses testify about Heaven and Hell.

​Please understand:
This Preacher has not received the revelation yet that those  who are calling themselves  Jews  are fakes sent by satan to deceive the World.
Revelations  2:9, 3:9

Woman See Her Family In Hell

My Hebrew Israelite Brothers and Sisters, please notice in your listening to and viewing of these videos, none of the people who YeshaYah allowed to see Hell including YeshaYah, the souls imprisoned in Hell, the demons or Satan, argued about the name of Jesus. That should ring out in clarity that YeshaYah and Jesus is the same person.

There is no other person's name given unto man that they may be saved. The emphasis is on the person, not just the name. It’s the person's name that matter not the name of the person, if you can comprehend the difference. 

Whatever you call the name of the Son of I AM,(the Creator of Heaven and Earth) you will be saved in that name. If you call the Son of the Creator of Heaven and Earth, Boo-Ba-Loo in your native tongue, you shall be saved.






Follow the evidence is the best advice one can render and the best route one can take for an individual that is seeking the truth. If evidence is suppressed or hidden it is very likely the person or persons suppressing or hiding evidence is guilty of lying. In seeking the truth always seek evidence.

Evidence is the guiding light to truth. Without evidence one walk in darkness and ignorance concerning a matter. Witnesses testimony to fact is a key ingredient to seeking truth. Credible witness to fact is most important in appealing to those seeking truth. With this foundation laid, let us go on to seeking truth that we may walk in the wholesome light of truth.

If one is presented with truth to walk therein, there is none to blame for negative consequences if the decision is made to walk contrary to the truth.

There are those that teach that there is no Heaven and no Hell. The scriptures is loaded with references and evidence to the contrary. A common argument is that no one has went to Heaven or Hell to come back to tell us of the fact that Heaven and Hell exist. To the contrary, there are a multitude of people that are eye witnesses to the existence of Heaven and Hell. There are many people alive today that has walk the streets of Heaven and the depths of Hell.

​Hell (Hebrew): שאול, Sheol and גהינום, Gehennam; Greek 
 ᾍδης, Hades and Tαρταρόω, Tartaroo; Latin: Infernus; 

Arabic:  جهنم, (Jahánnam) is a place of torment and pain in the afterlife of many religions, particularly Christianity and Islam, which is reserved for those who deserve eternal punishment. In some religions (such as Catholicism and Islam) this can occur through lack of faith or lack of good works, which in most forms of Protestantism, hell is reserved for those who  do not place their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. hell is described in the Bible as a "lake of fire" and of "brimstone" (Revelations 20:10)  and is where satan and his demons will be banished for all eternity when Jesus Returns.